Types of Silat::

1 :: Silat Gayong Fatani

Silat Gayong Fatani is a element of Malay silat which is well known in Semenanjung. It also known as "Silat Pulut" or "Gayung Pulut". Because of its artistic appearance, it is often mistaken for a dance. The steps and hand movement all have combat application and are meant to lock or disable the opponent. The current grandmaster is Tuan Haji Anuar from the pertubuhan Seni Gayung Fatani Malaysia ( PSGFM).

In Malay, The word Seni means art and Gayung or Gayong is a word for martial art synonymous with Silat.
Fatani means wise in Arabic and was chosen because of its similarity to Patani, the kingdom from where the art originated.

Nowadays, Seni Silat Gayong Fatani had come with new syllabus outlined by Tuan Haji Anuar which consist of five different levels. Each level teaches techniques of its own while maintaining the same basic form. the steps are ::

1. Bunga Sembah
::A set of 16 steps intentionally designed to look flowery

2. Buah Pukulan
:: Combat sets meant to teach application of techniques

3. Tapak Empat
::  In the Tapak Empat, the steps of the Bunga Sembah are performed in a square. It is mean to teach fluidity of movement whilst the Silat Pulut performed at the end is meant for the exponent to apply the techniques learnet.

4. Jurus Olahraga
:: The offensive form of the Bunga Sembah in which the steps are either blocks, attacks or deflections.

5. Silat Pulut
:: Is a slow, technique infused version of combat played out between two opponents. It is meant for the exponent to display their adeptness in silat by using techniques. The individual who are playing it out also gain insight on how their moves can be deflected or used againts them in combat.

2 :: Silat Lian (Silat Lian Padukan)

Originated from the peninsular state of Johor, Silat Lian or in its full term "Silat Lian Padukan" has a mixture element that are similar to various silat tyles combination and Muay Thai, with Silat Lian as its base. Even the literal meaning of Padukan in english is "to combine/ mix".

The silat or any other Silat Lian (or Buah Pukul) style are well known in Malaysia as a very straight forward silat. Sometimes we Malays like to call them as "Malay Boxing".

The theory of the origin of this Silat has come with several believes by the Performer. Although mostly people can be seen to perform it in Johor, some veteran stating that Silat Lian is a martial arts that come from Yunnan, China. The teaching has been brought by an arabian merchant from Yunan name Syed Abdul Rahman Yunani to Singapore during the 18th century. Until Today, there are thousand of people who are expert in this types of Silat which brought to the born of other styles which has some similarity technique with Silat Lian which is 'Silat Gayang Lima', ' Silat Gayang lian', 'Silat Lian Yunan', and 'Silat Gerak Lian'.

3 :: Silat Harimau

Silat Harimau is another category of Silat which is then developed into a several sub style. The originality of Silat Harimau is more to the north of peninsular Malaysia, which is the state of Kedah. It was named "Harimau" which means Tiger in Malay language because  the move, steps, striking way is mimic to a tigers, which is also a symbol of braveness in Malay culture. 

The  form of Silat Harimau substyle can be found such as "Silat Harimau Berantai", and "Silat Cekak Harimau". The weapon which mostly used is Silat Harimau is "Belati"( a traditional knife) which has a glorious history of its own as far as Silat is concerned. The Belati knife, is a deadly weapon which is totally unique, due to its size which is small but could be used agressively, which most likely as a tigers claw. These might be a factor that lead to the name of Silat Harimau. These types of Silat also is one kind that have established since a century ago, and the quantity of people who practising it increase from time to time.

4 :: Silat Sendeng 

 supposedly to be call as Seni silat Sendeng Muar and was founded by Allahyarham Haji Abd Hamid Bin Haji Hamzah in Mati river, Muar in the state of Johor. He has adapted the style of Silat Sendeng from his ancestor and other teacher who is well known for their knowledge and ability in Silat since the early of 20th century.

"Sendeng" is stands for mixture of striking and avoiding technique or attacking in a strech position. Basically, Sendeng is taken from two words, which is "Sen" ( Strong, very Stable in Senggam word) and "Deng"( defending place, or protection place from the word Dinding in Malay). Overall, Silat Sendeng is a Silat Style which is also a method to release, killing, or throwing
or dodging any kind of danger which are near to the users. Silat Sendeng also comes with a popular philosophy which sounds as ( reach before arrive and kill before die). 

5 :: Silat  Cekak

Another Silat which also originally founded in Northern part of Malaysia which is in the state of Kedah. During the era or the ancient Kedah government, these Silat is a must for all the warriors whom serving for their Sultan. The Sultan at that time is Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Halim Shah II.

The concept of Silat Cekak is quite different from an usual Silat movement, which Silat Cekak only concern of 1% attacking, and the other 99% is for defending. The attitude that lies in Silat Cekak is attack only when the users need to. 

These category of Silat also comes with several Attitude that strictly need to be  
obey, which is 

1. Never be traitorous to our teacher
2. Never be traitorous our Mother 
3. Never be traitorous our Father
4. Never fight among other members
5. Never curse out any other Malay Silat styles

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